
By integrating Frugal, Kitex’s performance can reach about 5 times that of traditional codec methods, and there is no need to generate codec codes in advance.

Frugal is a very fast dynamic Thrift serializer & deserializer based on just-in-time compilation.


Code Generation Free

Traditional Thrift serializer and deserializer are based on generated code which is no longer needed since we can use JIT compilation to dynamically generate machine code.

High Performance

Thanks to JIT compilation, Frugal can generate better machine code than Go language compiler. In multi-core scenarios, Frugal’s performance is about 5 times higher than that of traditional serializer and deserializer.

name                                 old time/op    new time/op     delta
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16       78.8ns ± 0%     14.9ns ± 0%    -81.10%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16      1.34µs ± 0%     0.32µs ± 0%    -76.32%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16       37.7µs ± 0%      9.4µs ± 0%    -75.02%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16      368ns ± 0%       30ns ± 0%    -91.90%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16    11.9µs ± 0%      0.8µs ± 0%    -92.98%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16      233µs ± 0%       21µs ± 0%    -90.99%

name                                 old speed      new speed       delta
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16     7.31GB/s ± 0%  38.65GB/s ± 0%   +428.84%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16    12.9GB/s ± 0%   54.7GB/s ± 0%   +322.10%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16     11.7GB/s ± 0%   46.8GB/s ± 0%   +300.26%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16   1.56GB/s ± 0%  19.31GB/s ± 0%  +1134.41%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16  1.46GB/s ± 0%  20.80GB/s ± 0%  +1324.55%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16   1.89GB/s ± 0%  20.98GB/s ± 0%  +1009.73%

name                                 old alloc/op   new alloc/op    delta
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16         112B ± 0%         0B        -100.00%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16        112B ± 0%         0B        -100.00%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16         779B ± 0%        57B ± 0%    -92.68%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16     1.31kB ± 0%     0.10kB ± 0%    -92.76%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16      448B ± 0%      3022B ± 0%   +574.55%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16     1.13MB ± 0%     0.07MB ± 0%    -93.54%

name                                 old allocs/op  new allocs/op   delta
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16         1.00 ± 0%       0.00        -100.00%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16        1.00 ± 0%       0.00        -100.00%
MarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16         1.00 ± 0%       0.00        -100.00%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/small-16       6.00 ± 0%       1.00 ± 0%    -83.33%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/medium-16      6.00 ± 0%      30.00 ± 0%   +400.00%
UnmarshalAllSize_Parallel/large-16      4.80k ± 0%      0.76k ± 0%    -84.10%

What can you do with Frugal ?

Use Frugal as Kitex serializer and deserializer

No more massive serialization and deserialization code, leads to a more tidy project. No more meaningless diff of generated code in code review.

Serialized and Deserialize struct generated by Thriftgo

If you have a Thrift file, and all you need is using Frugal to do serialization and deserialization. You can use Thriftgo to generate Go struct, then you can use Frugal.

Serialization and deserialization on a customized Go struct

If you don’t want any Thrift files, and you want serialize or deserialize a customized Go struct. You can add some struct field tag to the Go struct, then you can use Frugal.


Using with Kitex

1. Update Kitex to v0.4.2 or higher version

go get

2. Generate code with -thrift frugal_tag option


kitex -thrift frugal_tag -service a.b.c my.thrift

If you don’t need codec code, you can use -thrift template=slim option.

kitex -thrift frugal_tag,template=slim -service a.b.c my.thrift

3. Init clients and servers with WithPayloadCodec(thrift.NewThriftFrugalCodec()) option

Client example:

package client

import (


func Echo() {
    codec := thrift.NewThriftCodecWithConfig(thrift.FastRead | thrift.FastWrite | thrift.FrugalRead | thrift.FrugalWrite)
    cli := echo.MustNewClient("a.b.c", client.WithPayloadCodec(codec))

Server example:

package main

import (


func main() {
    codec := thrift.NewThriftCodecWithConfig(thrift.FastRead | thrift.FastWrite | thrift.FrugalRead | thrift.FrugalWrite)
    svr := echo.NewServer(new(EchoImpl), server.WithPayloadCodec(codec))

    err := svr.Run()
    if err != nil {

Using with Thrift IDL

Prepare Thrift file

We can define a struct in Thrift file like below:


struct MyStruct {
    1: string msg
    2: i64 code

Use Thriftgo to generate code

Now we have thrift file, we can use Thriftgo with frugal_tag option to generate Go code.


thriftgo -r -o thrift -g go:frugal_tag, my.thrift

If you don’t need codec code, you can use template=slim option

thriftgo -r -o thrift -g go:frugal_tag,template=slim, my.thrift

Use Frugal to serialize or deserialize

Now we can use Frugal to serialize or deserialize the struct defined in thrift file.


package main

import (

func main() {
    ms := &thrift.MyStruct{
        Msg: "my message",
        Code: 1024,
    buf := make([]byte, frugal.EncodedSize(ms))
    frugal.EncodeObject(buf, nil, ms)
    got := &thrift.MyStruct{}
    frugal.DecodeObject(buf, got)

Serialization and deserialization on a customized Go struct

Define a Go struct

We can define a struct like this:

type MyStruct struct {
    Msg     string
    Code    int64
    Numbers []int64

Add Frugal tag to struct fields

Frugal tag is like frugal:"1,default,string", 1 is field ID, default is field requiredness, string is field type. Field ID and requiredness is always required, but field type is only required for list, set and enum.

You can add Frugal tag to MyStruct like below:

type MyStruct struct {
    Msg     string  `frugal:"1,default"`
    Code    int64   `frugal:"2,default"`
    Numbers []int64 `frugal:"3,default,list<i64>"`

All types example:

type MyEnum int64

type Example struct {
 MyOptBool         *bool            `frugal:"1,optional"`
 MyReqBool         bool             `frugal:"2,required"`
 MyOptByte         *int8            `frugal:"3,optional"`
 MyReqByte         int8             `frugal:"4,required"`
 MyOptI16          *int16           `frugal:"5,optional"`
 MyReqI16          int16            `frugal:"6,required"`
 MyOptI32          *int32           `frugal:"7,optional"`
 MyReqI32          int32            `frugal:"8,required"`
 MyOptI64          *int64           `frugal:"9,optional"`
 MyReqI64          int64            `frugal:"10,required"`
 MyOptString       *string          `frugal:"11,optional"`
 MyReqString       string           `frugal:"12,required"`
 MyOptBinary       []byte           `frugal:"13,optional"`
 MyReqBinary       []byte           `frugal:"14,required"`
 MyOptI64Set       []int64          `frugal:"15,optional,set<i64>"`
 MyReqI64Set       []int64          `frugal:"16,required,set<i64>"`
 MyOptI64List      []int64          `frugal:"17,optional,list<i64>"`
 MyReqI64List      []int64          `frugal:"18,required,list<i64>"`
 MyOptI64StringMap map[int64]string `frugal:"19,optional"`
 MyReqI64StringMap map[int64]string `frugal:"20,required"`
 MyOptEnum         *MyEnum          `frugal:"21,optional,i64"`
 MyReqEnum         *MyEnum          `frugal:"22,optional,i64"`

Use Frugal to serialize or deserialize


package main

import (

func main() {
    ms := &thrift.MyStruct{
        Msg: "my message",
        Code: 1024,
        Numbers: []int64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
    buf := make([]byte, frugal.EncodedSize(ms))
    frugal.EncodeObject(buf, nil, ms)
    got := &thrift.MyStruct{}
    frugal.DecodeObject(buf, got)

Last modified August 6, 2023 : docs: hz directory modification (#754) (20d9ea6)